When this culminates in them waging war against humanity, X, feeling responsible for the damage he caused, decides to join forces with maverick hunters in the hope of achieving world peace. Set 100 years after the original games, the story follows the titular robot named X, who resides in an time where free-willed androids named reploids, of whom X shares similar feats, coexist with humanity, but are sometimes labeled mavericks when exposed to criminal activity. The first six games in the series were compiled in the anthology Mega Man X Collection. The gameplay introduced new elements to the Mega Man franchise including the ability to dash and climb walls. The first game was released on Decemin Japan on the Super Famicom and the following month on the SNES in North America most of the sequels were ported to the PC platform. It is a sub-series of the Mega Man franchise.
Mega Man X is a series of action platform video games released by Capcom.